Basic Pranic Healing

Basic Pranic Healing is designed for everyone, from students to engineers, doctors to housewives, parents to teachers as it introduces methods of a healthy living. The knowledge inside Basic Pranic healing is designed to empower you to take your health into your own hands. Pranic Healing exposes the growing body of scientific evidence proving that healing energy therapy can be more effective and more economical than most conventional treatments.

This is the basic and introductory course in Pranic Healing. It is an experimental course to discover one’s innate ability to heal.

All pranic healing courses are “experiential,” which means that the student will learn by actually performing the techniques and exercises in class -on him/herself and those around you. During class, all the principles will be explained thoroughly and the techniques will be practiced so that the student will be confident in his/her ability to produce positive results when the course is finished.

What will you learn ?

Learn how to scan or feel the energy of auras and chakras.

Learn to remove the negative energetic patterns of a disease to prevent it from fully manifesting as a physical ailment

Heal your loved ones, family and friends who live anywhere in the world.
Experience inner peace, stress reduction and bliss with breathing techniques and this guided meditation.
Accelerate healing (on yourself and others) with step-by-step techniques for common ailments such as asthma and sinusitis, heart ailments, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, back pain, headaches and much more!

Here are some of the things that you will learn in this workshop:

  • Understand Prana (also known as Chi and Ki in different traditions). You will learn how to feel and even see this energy.
  • Understand your energetic anatomy which comprises of the aura, chakras and meridians.
  • Learn the role of the 11 major chakrasin healing and helping the body recover.
  • Learn how to systematically remove energy blockages in the aura and the chakras.
  • You will learn to scan (or feel) the aura and the chakras to accelerate the healing processes of your body.
  • Remedies for such common problems as Fever, Cough and Cold, Asthma, Aches and Pains, Migraines and Sinusitis, Kidney and Urinary Aiments. Step-by-step techniques for ailments related to the Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Gastrointestinal system, Musculoskeletal system and the Reproductive system.
  • How to maintain energetic hygiene.
  • Breathing techniques (or Pranic Breathing) to increase energy levels
  • Self-Pranic Healing
  • Divine Healing
  • Learn the science of doing distant healing for loved ones living in other parts of the world. Distant Healing enable you to heal when the patient is not physically available in front of you.
  • Learn meditation on Twin Heart to achieve inner peace and calmness. Furthermore, it helps us generate healthier relationships & Family Unity.
  • How to recharge yourself physically and mentally
  • How to maintain a good health using comprehensive techniques.

Pranic Healing workshop also teaches a meditation called the Meditation on Twin Hearts. Meditation on Twin Hearts for peace and illumination is an advanced meditation guided by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It involves the activation and use of two energy centers or chakras in our bodies. It helps to achieve inner peace and calmness. Furthermore, it helps us generate healthier relationships & Family Unity

The course not only teaches us how to heal, but also how to take charge of our life and improve it on all levels; how to improve interpersonal relationships, reduce stress, recharge yourself, and how to become more successful.

Basic Pranic Healing is designed for everyone, from students to engineers, doctors to housewives, parents to teachers as it introduces methods of healthy living. People from all walks of life worldwide have learnt and benefited from Pranic Healing. You can be one of them!

Please note that Basic Pranic Healing is a prerequisite to all other courses (with the exception of Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul).

Over 16 years of age. An open mind.
Workshop Fees
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $ 
Residential Workshop Fee
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $
(Residential Workshop Fee Incudes – 2 days and 3 Night Accommodation along with Book, Study Materials, food and refreshments)
(Workshop fees include books, Study Materials and food & refreshments.)

Advanced Pranic Healing

Advanced Pranic Healing represents a major breakthrough in modern energy healing technology. It contains the most advanced healing system using color Pranas to produce very rapid healing for a broad range of ailments.

The advanced Pranic Healing course offers techniques for producing color pranas as well as treatments of various ailments such as arthiritis, cancer and other numerous illnesses. This course will also enlighten you about Divine Healing.

Many severe ailments can be healed through the application of Advanced Pranic Healing. The difference between Basic Pranic Healing and Advanced Pranic Healing is basically similar to the difference between a General Doctor and a Specialist. White energy can be divided into 7 colors, each having certain properties and effects. In Advanced Pranic Healing, you will learn how to use color Pranas effectively for rapid recovery since color pranas create a more focused effect on the energy body or Aura.

Advanced Pranic Healing is a specialised workshop for those who wish to become more effective healers and those wanting to effectively treat serious ailments using colour therapy.

What will you learn ?

You’ll learn to use the right proportion, color combinations and degree of hue of colored prana from right source.

You’ll learn to interpret and assess more quickly and effectively the correction of imbalances in the energy field patterns and activation of chakras.

You will learn faster techniques to clean and enrgise the chakras which reduces overall time to just 30%

From medical viewpoint some of the organs do not regenerate at thier own. you will learn the technique to rengenerate the internal organs using color Pranas.

You’ll learn to help accelerate healing and recovery by influencing and reprogramming the consciousness of diseased cells and organs and so the chakras.

You’ll learn Rapid Healing of Wounds, Cleansing of the Internal Organs, Cleansing of the Blood and other techniques to boost the immune system.

Here are some of the things that you will learn in this workshop:

  • Advanced Pranic Healing is filled with techniques and methods for using colour prana to produce very rapid healings.
  • Learn to use 6 different color pranas (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Violet).
  • Learn advanced scanning to know the condition, size and movement of the chakras.
  • Heal certain conditions like fresh minor wounds, burns, headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea etc instantly.
  • Learn advanced techniques like blood cleansing, internal organs cleansing, master healing.
  • Many severe diseases like migrane, arthritis, diabities, hypertension, asthma, heart blockage, cancer, paralysis for which medical science does not have permanent cure – can be healed.
  • Learn the secrets of different colors in your life.
  • Learn certain principles of preventive healing techniques.
  • Learn how the miracle of good health is available to all of us.
  • Meditation – earn The Meditation on Twin Hearts with Chakra Heaing in this course

Eligibility: The participant should have done Basic Pranic Healing Course to participate in this course.
Course Duration: 2 days
Workshop Fees
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $
Residential Workshop Fee
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $
(Residential Workshop Fee Incudes – 2 days and 3 Night Accommodation along with Book, Study Materials, food and refreshments)
(Workshop fees include books, Study Materials and food & refreshments.)

Pranic Psychotherapy

Nowadays, most people are grappling with various emotional and mental issues like stress and anxiety to severe psychological disorders like depression, bipolar, phobias and addictions. Pranic Psychotherapy is a revolution in treating psychological ailments as it introduces practical explanations and techniques to remove the negative thoughts and emotions from our system, thereby improving our health.
Psychological ailments are basically the result of accumulation of negative thoughts, emotions and traumatic experiences, which are lodged in the Auras and Chakras. Releasing such energies normally requires months or years of traditional psychotherapy consultation sessions, while with Pranic Psychotherapy techniques you can safely and quickly remove them from your system as well as others. The result will be peaceful emotions, harmonizing relationships, positive thinking patterns and good self-esteem.

Pranic Psychotherapy offers you the ability to quickly and safely release negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger and resentment that may be limiting you from your greater potential. This course bridges the gap between the mind, physical body and the human energy system, providing new dimensions to traditional psychotherapeutic measures and practices.

What will you learn ?

You will understand thoughts/emotions and how they affect us and also how to get read of negative psychological energies.

You will learn to heal after effects of psychic attach and how to relieve patients in short period of time.

How to repair the protective mechanism of chakras so the person become immune to negative psychological energies.

You will also learn to remove old negative programs which were impregnated in childhood.

You will learn to transmute the sexual energies for mental and spiritual development.

You will learn psychological functions of chakras and how to treat speifici chakra for specific psychological disorder

Sometime negative patters attract same negative situations in life again and again, you will learn to remove such patterns to transform your life.

You will learn how to protect chakra and aura from negative energy of other people and places.

Here are some of the things that you will learn in this workshop:

  • Learn techniques to protect yourself from other people’s negative thoughts and emotions.
  • Learn special techniques to transform sexual energies of our teenage children into intelligence and concentration.
  • Learn the psychological functions of the chakrasto understand how their condition affects our life.
  • Understand how thoughts and emotions affect our thinking patterns and behaviour.
  • Learn to heal stress, addictions and improve relationships with your spouse, family, friends and co-workers.
  • Learn how to create shields on your Auraand chakras protecting yourself and others from influence of negative energy.
  • Meditation – Learn The Meditation on Twin Hearts with Chakral Healingin this course.

Eligibility: The participant should have done Basic Pranic Healing Course and Advanced Pranic Healing Couse to participate in this course.
Course Duration: 2 days
Workshop Fees
Indian Citizen – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizen – $
Residential Workshop Fee
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $
(Residential Workshop Fee Incudes – 2 days and 3 Night Accommodation along with Book, Study Materials, food and refreshments)
(Workshop fees include books, Study Materials and food & refreshments.)

Pranic Psychic Self Defense

Pranic Psychic Self Defense is specially tailored to protect you from negative and destructive energy patterns. The course offers simple, effective and practical remedies to psychic problems encountered by most people. It teaches several ways to shield one’s self from projected negative thoughts and psychic contamination by fashioning and strengthening the human Aura; removing negative energies and vibrations from psychically dirty places; reinforcing psychic defences through counter attack and counter defence methods; knowing how to deal with negative programs from others; taking corrective actions when a person has been psychically penetrated; and other never before known techniques.

Topics Covered

  • Closing the aura to prevent intrusions.
  • Understanding how psychic attacks are launched and how you can protect yourself from them.
  • Placing a protective aura around your business to ensure prosperity.
  • Utilizing holy objects for protection, empowerment and good luck.
  • Practicing advanced psychic self-defense techniques, specifically for healers.
  • Shielding your personal belongings, including your financial assets.
  • Multi-dimensional shielding for protection on the spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and physical planes.
  • Putting remedies into place for attacks that have already penetrated your energy fields.
  • Guarding against the critical factors that can weaken a shield.
  • Using the power of love to get an angry psychic assailant on your side.
  • Building up sufficient energy for your shield and combining the energy with visualization and intent for optimum protection.
  • Using the ancient Magic Circles Ritual to receive comprehensive protection from angels, masters and teachers.
  • Protecting your business and finances from envious competitors and their negative vibes.
  • Safeguarding your children’s precious and innocent consciousness from preying entities of drugs and negative programming from peers.
  • Scanning the strength and integrity of your shields so that you know they are in place and working.
  • Experience inner peace and calmness in the midst of a chaotic work or home environment.
  • Stopping “psychic vampires” from draining your precious life force.
  • Learning why the traditional bubble of white light does not hold up in the real world of psychic warfare, and why the Pranic Psychic Self – Defence shield is more effective.
  • Learning why improper shielding could cause a person to think he or she is under psychic attack by nobody else but themselves.
  • Learning what causes “bad luck” and changing it to GOOD FORTUNE.

What will you learn ?

Here are some of the things that you will learn in this workshop:

  • Eligibility: The participant should have done Basic Pranic Healing Course, Advanced Pranic Healing Couse and Pranic Psychotherapy Course to participate in this course.
    Course Duration: 1 days
    Workshop Fees
    Indian Citizens – Rs.
    Non-Indian Citizens – $
    Residential Workshop Fee
    Indian Citizens – Rs.
    Non-Indian Citizens – $
    (Residential Workshop Fee Incudes – 2 days and 3 Night Accommodation along with Book, Study Materials, food and refreshments)
    (Workshop fees include books, Study Materials and food & refreshments.)

Pranic Crystal Healing

Crystals and stones naturally have consciousness and thereby can be used as a powerful instrument of healing if you know how to cleanse, program and energize them.
The course will teach you the pure essence of the science and art of Pranic Crystal Healing. Ideas or beliefs that are doubtful or superstitious have been removed completely. The concepts, principles and techniques are based on validated esoteric facts which are explained in a clear and simple manner. The course concentrates on clear quartz crystal.
Knowing how to work with crystals can make them an amazing tool to increase your healing power, deepen your spiritual experiences and improve your prosperity level. In fact wearing the right color of crystal is not enough to achieve expected results, you need to know how to cleanse and program them as well.
In Pranic Crystal Healing, the qualities and capabilities of crystals and gem stones will be discussed and the methods of making use of this precious gift for healing and spirituality will be taught. It is believed that crystals can increase your healing power by 200 times and more!
Some crystals can even be used to improve your working skills and prosperity level.
In Pranic Crystal Healing you will learn how to harness the power of one of Mother Earth’s precious gifts, crystals and gem stones, which you can use to enhance your healing ability, spirituality and prosperity.

Topics Covered

  • Increasing your healing power by 200 times or more by using special crystals.
  • Extracting negative emotions and diseased energies from your aura quickly and easily.
  • Activating and revitalizing your charkas.
  • Consecrating crystals to make them more powerful by 1000 percent or more.
  • Consecrating rings, pendants and jewellery to attract good health and prosperity for your loved ones and business associates.
  • Using crystals as protective amulets against psychic attacks.
  • Learning which crystals and stones are appropriate for which purposes.
  • Using power rings, the secret of magicians and master healers, for power, healing and prosperity.
  • Using the coloured pranic energies of colour crystals for facilitating rapid healing.
  • Learning crystals for anchoring specific energies.
  • Using special crystals like obsidian to absorb and divert psychic attack.
  • Learning why wearing the wrong crystals or gems could cause financial hardships.
  • Learning why wearing certain crystals or gems could draw a psychic attack to you.
  • Learning the five factors that determine the real potency of a crystal.
  • Programming crystals for healing.
  • And much more . . .

Eligibility: The participant should have done Basic Pranic Healing Course, Advanced Pranic Healing Couse, Pranic Psychotherapy Course and Pranic Crystal Healing Course to participate in this course.
Course Duration: 1 days
Workshop Fees
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $
Residential Workshop Fee
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $
(Residential Workshop Fee Incudes – 2 days and 3 Night Accommodation along with Book, Study Materials, food and refreshments)
(Workshop fees include books, Study Materials and food & refreshments.)


Course Duration: 1 days
Workshop Fees
Indian Citizens – Rs.
Non-Indian Citizens – $

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